A team of researchers conducted field tests to create the perfect design for the baits in this series, so the lures are more than just bass lures in saltwater colors. Ocean conditions unique to Europe, where sea-bass fishing is as popular as it is in Japan, are reflected in the design and specifications of these lures. The designers of the ESG II series incorporated elements regarding ocean conditions into the baits to allow for optimal results when fishing for sea bass.

Couleur Référence Désignation Taille Poids Type/Profondeur Gencode
SNAPKICK115-130PVRSnap Kick 115 Pearl Vairon4-1/2"(115mm) 5/8oz( 16.5g) Sinking 0844725051301
SNAPKICK115-131GVRSnap Kick 115 Ghost Vairon4-1/2"(115mm) 5/8oz( 16.5g) Sinking 0844725051318
SNAPKICK115-134PGJSnap Kick 115 Pearl Goujon4-1/2"(115mm) 5/8oz( 16.5g) Sinking 0844725051349
SNAPKICK115-250CRSSnap Kick 115 Chartreuse Shad4-1/2"(115mm) 5/8oz( 16.5g) Sinking 0844725052506
SNAPKICK115-726LGSSnap Kick 115 Laser Ghost Sardine - Iwashi4-1/2"(115mm) 5/8oz( 16.5g) Sinking 0844725057266
SNAPKICK115-734ASGSnap Kick 115 Aurora Sillaginoid - Kisu4-1/2"(115mm) 5/8oz( 16.5g) Sinking 0844725057341
SNAPKICK115-756AGRSnap Kick 115 Aurora Green Shad4-1/2"(115mm) 5/8oz( 16.5g) Sinking 0844725057563
SNAPKICK115-804SPSSnap Kick 115 Spotted Shad - Konoshiro4-1/2"(115mm) 5/8oz( 16.5g) Sinking 0844725058041
SNAPKICK115-881GNPSnap Kick 115 Ghost Northern Pike4-1/2"(115mm) 5/8oz( 16.5g) Sinking 0844725058812
SNAPKICK115-894ABLSnap Kick 115 Aurora Blue Gill4-1/2"(115mm) 5/8oz( 16.5g) Sinking 0844725058942
SNAP_KICK_RHSnap Kick 115 Red Head4-1/2"(115mm) 5/8oz( 16.5g) Sinking 4514447086825